国际妇女节: Inspiring Inclusion with LFA's Co-Founders and Joint Principals 安娜·麦克唐纳 and 黛西吉利·


讲故事的力量是无限的, 当我们赋予女性讲述自己故事的权利, 我们赋予世界力量.


国际妇女节 我们想要聚焦我们的 Co-Founders and Joint Principals 安娜·麦克唐纳 and 黛西吉利·, as we embrace this year's theme of inspiring inclusion and its connection to filmmaking. Both are incredible examples of women breaking barriers and shaping a more inclusive filmmaking landscape. 

在LFA, we have been privileged to have these two extraordinary women leading the way for over two decades with unwavering dedication, 人才, 以及有远见的领导. LFA has been propelled to new heights and inspired countless diverse aspiring filmmakers, 尤其是女性, from across the globe to pursue their dreams in the world of cinema.  

2017年获得LFA先锋奖, aimed at empowering emerging female filmmakers through an annual scholarship opportunity to fostering a nurturing learning environment for all. Anna and Daisy have been the visionary driving force behind numerous educational initiatives and advocated for gender equality, 包容性, 以及行业内的多样性. 


A filmmaker with a knack for storytelling and a profound understanding of the craft, 黛西吉利· has left a mark on the filmmaking world through her acclaimed work as a director, 生产商, 和教育家.  

Daisy is a trailblazer whose creative vision knows no bounds and as joint principal at LFA she has remained dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to explore their creativity, 突破艺术界限, 找到他们作为bwin体育苹果下载iOS人的独特声音. 

It's been gratifying to witness the growth of our efforts towards equality, 正如我们的bwin娱乐所反映的那样,性别平衡盛行. Welcoming all genders is not just a statement but a commitment to inclusion.


Daisy's unwavering commitment to excellence has made her a driving force behind LFA's continued success as a leading institution for film education and training.

这些年来,形势发生了重大变化, from skewed male-female ratios to a more equitable environment. 在我们庆祝国际妇女节的时候, let's remember that our journey towards equality encompasses more than just gender. True diversity goes beyond what meets the eye, embracing individual identities and choices.




LFA is more than a film school - we've created a vibrant hub that mirrors the film industry itself and champions diversity and inclusion.  I believe a more diverse film industry benefits us all - film should be accessible to everyone.  We inspire inclusion by nurturing our filmmakers for who they are and their individual 人才s - a quality education comes from seeing a person as a whole and all that they bring. We were the first film school to offer a different way to learn,  seeing the world through the eyes of our filmmakers who come from all 背景. 我相信bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作在多元化的创作伙伴关系中蓬勃发展. 我们的bwin体育苹果下载iOS人是一个独特的, life-long learning community that champions new connections and understands the importance of  collaboration.


对讲故事充满热情,对人才有敏锐的眼光, 安娜对卓越的坚定承诺, innovation and diversity has made her a driving force behind LFA's success as a leading place for film education.  Her dedication to nurturing emerging 人才 is evident in her mission of creating a global community of filmmakers who change the world 一次看一部bwin体育苹果下载iOS

通过Anna富有远见的领导,LFA继续成为一个 充满活力的创意、创新和协作中心, empowering students to realise their artistic vision and break barriers, 挑战的刻板印象, 塑造一个更加多元化和包容性的bwin体育苹果下载iOS景观. 

安娜也是许多特别活动的幕后策划者, masterclasses and educational programmes that LFA conducts at film festivals and schools worldwide.  她在创造 LFA先锋奖 2017年,以帮助弥合该行业的性别差距. 

Our mission goes beyond education; it's about empowering filmmakers to challenge norms, 激发改变, and elevate consciousness through purpose-driven storytelling. 在一起, we're shaping a global community of storytellers who are transforming the world, 一次看一部bwin体育苹果下载iOS.




There has been a significant push towards inspiring inclusion in film for women, seeking to break down barriers and amplify diverse voices within the industry. 这 movement has not only focused on increasing the representation of women both in front of and behind the camera lens but also on providing platforms for stories that reflect the multifaceted experiences of women across different cultures, 背景, 和身份.  

通过性别平衡选角等举措, 不同的故事, 女性bwin体育苹果下载iOS人的机会也在增加, the film industry is gradually shifting towards a more inclusive landscape. These efforts not only enrich cinematic narratives but also serve as powerful catalysts for societal change, challenging stereotypes and fostering greater empathy and understanding among audiences worldwide.  

通过倡导女性参与bwin体育苹果下载iOS, the industry not only celebrates the achievements of women in cinema but also cultivates a more vibrant and inclusive cinematic culture for generations to come. 


当我们展望未来, let us draw inspiration from the pioneering women who have come before us and continue to building a more inclusive and equitable world for all.  

国际妇女节, 让我们庆祝女性在bwin体育苹果下载iOS界取得的成就, 尊重他们对艺术形式的贡献, and pledge to continue the fight for gender equality both on and off the screen.  

在一起, we can create a world where every woman can pursue her passions, 实现她的梦想, 并在bwin体育苹果下载iOS界及其他领域留下她的印记.